
Art Style | Art & Culture International Magazine, an open-access, biannual, and peer-reviewed online magazine devoted to art and culture, invites the submission of extended essays and scholarly articles. Art Style Magazine publishes both themed issues and issues with a variety of themes with a focus on the Magazine’s Aims and Scope.

The main objective of Art Style Magazine is to maintain a regular publication schedule by publishing issues that contain a selection of articles and essays on various subjects, all aligned with the Magazine’s Aims and Scope. Additionally, the magazine releases themed editions that adhere to the guidelines for Special Issues & Guest Editors.

If you are interested in publishing in one of the current themed editions, check our call for papers for special editions. You are also welcome to contribute an extended essay or scholarly article on one of our past issues’ themes or a new subject.

You just need to follow our Author Guidelines and submit your extended essay or scholarly article for evaluation. We will get back to you with acceptance or nonacceptance feedback after the reviewers have evaluated your contribution. If your submission is accepted, we will inform you about the publication schedule.

Submission to

The theme and call for papers for a special edition is:

Image Cultures, World Heritage, and Identities (The deadline for submissions is May 30, 2024).

Authors should also be informed about the following procedure of publication:

For more information, see:

Author Guidelines

Peer-Review Process

Authorship and Contributorship

Editorial Policies

Research Publishing Ethics

Terms & Conditions

For the current and upcoming submissions, we ask the authors to provide their ORCID IDs.

ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a globally establishing standard for the unique assignment of scientific authors to their own publications. The ORCID iD as a persistent identifier allows the unique differentiation of authors, e.g. in the case of identical names, name changes or different spellings. It is independent of location and reflects changing affiliations. It thus contributes to the better visibility of authors and their publication output. Increasingly, publishers and research funders require an ORCID iD for the submission of publications or applications.